Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Assignment 10 Canon Transmitter ST-E3=RT and 600EX-RT Flash

 2 EX600s In a Small Softbox, ETTL
KEY:2 EX600 In a Small Softbox  FILL:1 EX600 with Blue Gel  KICKER:1 EX600 with Orange Gel
 Same positioning of light as shot #2 Manual Mode K:F:BG=4:1:4=A:B:C
Same positioning of light as shot #2 KEY:ETTL FILL:Manual +1 BG: Ext A

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Class 9

 On camera, Priority
 bounce, Priority
 Off Camera, Priority
On camera. AP

Monday, October 28, 2013

Assignment 8 Outdoor Flash

 1. Make a portrait where the person’s face and the background are the same exposure.                                    
2. Make a portrait where the person’s face is exposed one stop under and the background is normally exposed.  Drop the power of the strobe by one stop keeping the f stop the same.

3. Make a portrait where the person’s face is normally exposed and the background is one stop under.

4. Make a portrait where the person’s face is normally exposed and the background is two stops under.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

07 Strobe and Continuous Light

 Strobe Only
 Continuous Lights (2 with gel) Only
 S+C No Movement
  S+C Movement #1
 S+C Movement #2
 C+S No Movement
 C+S Movement

06 Size Matters (?)

Beauty Dish